Focus & Scope

The journal is published under the auspices of the Southern African Comparative and History of Education Society (SACHES). The aims of the Society are to promote comparative, international and history of education and enhance the academic status of these fields; bring an understanding of comparative education to bear on the major educational problems confronting the region and to develop through the study of comparative and history of education an understanding of the major educational problems of the day by fostering co-operative research, discussion and teaching by persons from different parts of the world. To achieve these aims, the Society encourages the teaching of, and research in, comparative and history of education, promotes interdisciplinary collaboration in the development of comparative approaches to the study of educational problems, organises research projects for which there are particular needs, improves the exchange of information about research and methodological developments in education, liaises with scholars, societies and institutions from different countries and specifically those within the region to foster the growth of comparative and historical research in education and subscribes to the goals and aims of the World Council of Comparative Education Societies.

Journal Status
Index/es (accredited by the DHET)
Dept. of Higher Education and Training (DHET) List
Peer-review Date
Peer-review Group
Prof Azeem Badroodien
Title Owner
Southern African Comparative and History Education Society (SACHES)
Southern African Comparative and History Education Society (SACHES)
Seat of Publication
South Africa
Number of Peer-reviewed Articles Per Year
Publication Frequency
Subscription Access
Submission Fees
ZAR 0.00
Article Processing Charges (APCs)
ZAR 0.00