SciELO South Africa’s SciELO 25 Year AnniversaryWebinar

ASSAf’s Scholarly Publishing Programme invites you to a webinar on Artificial intelligence detection tools and editorial decision-making policies.
SciELO South Africa (*) is presenting this webinar as part of the SciELO Network’s 25th anniversary.
The webinar is aimed at gaining clarity on issues such as editorial and publishing policies, research processes, and plagiarism, in the context of AI tool developments.

Date and time:
Thursday 29 June, 14:30 to 16:30 (SA time)

Programme and speaker bio’s:

Registration link:

Link to the Recording

Note that the SciELO25 webinars are being hosted by SciELO Brazil, so the registration link may take you to a Portuguese language page. Do not be concerned – the webinar will be in English.  

(*) SciELO South Africa is one of 15 national collections in the SciELO Network. The Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) originated in Brazil.
SciELO SA is a DHET automatically accredited index alongside the Web of Science, Scopus, IBSS, DOAJ and the Norwegian Index (level 2 journals).
The SciELO Citation Index forms part of the Web of Science search portal – see the diagram below.
SciELO SA is an open access journal collection managed by ASSAf, funded by the Department of Science & Innovation and endorsed by the Department of Higher Education and Training through its accreditation indexes.
The criteria for inclusion of journals in the SciELO SA collection can be viewed here.

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