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Focus & Scope

 The African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure (AJHTL) aims to publish interdisciplinary research that makes a clear contribution, theoretically or methodologically, to the body of knowledge relating to all aspects of tourism and hospitality within the Pan African context. AJHTL strives to publish first-rate academic articles in fields of human endeavour related to the core areas of hospitality, tourism and leisure. We offer the opportunity to publish research which is able to facilitate academic exchange and analysis in the international scientific community using open access publication as the vehicle. In a resource scares context which Africa finds itself, coupled with the changing dynamics of tourism in a rapidly complex global society, the AJHTL seeks to answer questions around tourism and hospitality that informs, public and private sector management, community development, policy and strategy development and implementation, sustainability and responsible behaviour amongst others.

Given the dynamic nature of the fields of hospitality, tourism and leisure,  AJHTL also accepts articles in the related fields of tourism geographies, marketing, management, economics, business ethics, corporate governance, stakeholder management, operations management, entrepreneurship, food and nutrition, service quality, sustainability and globalization. However, such articles should show a strong link on hospitality, tourism and leisure in Africa. Articles that do not link accordingly, or has a focus on Africa will not be considered.

The review committee consists of an international panel which guarantees the  journal’s high quality and impartiality. We are also open access on the internet and are totally independent from any institution, thereby ensuring objectivity.

Journal Status
Index/es (accredited by the DHET)
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Scopus
Peer-review Date
Peer-review Group
Other Disciplines
Ad Hoc Review
Prof Tembi Tichaawa
Title Owner
Seat of Publication
South Africa
Number of Peer-reviewed Articles Per Year
100 - 120
Publication Frequency
5-6 issue per year
Open Access
Submission Fees
ZAR 0.00
Article Processing Charges (APCs)
R6200 per article