Journal Abbreviation
Focus & Scope

Southern African Field Archaeology (a.k.a. FIELD) in its revived format is a non-profit, open-access journal currently funded by the Palaeo-Research Institute, University of Johannesburg, and previously by the Wenner-Gren Foundation. The journal will publish one volume annually and aims to communicate basic data, findings, syntheses and opinions about all aspects and periods of southern and/or sub-Saharan African archaeology, the palaeo-sciences, and heritage collections and management, to professional archaeologists, heritage practitioners, students, governing authorities and the public. It therefore serves everybody concerned with field and laboratory research, methods development, experimentation, data analysis and the interpretation of the archaeological and palaeo-science records, as well as with collections and heritage management pertaining to the sub-continent.

We accommodate a broad range of original contributions in the form of:

  • Peer-reviewed research reports.
  • Concise peer-reviewed comparative studies, syntheses or overviews.
  • Peer-reviewed critiques or discussion pieces around previously published papers in FIELD or elsewhere that are relevant to the themes of the journal.
  • Non-peer-reviewed short notes.
  • Non-peer-reviewed editorials and opinion pieces.

Index/es (accredited by the DHET)
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Web of Science (WoS)
Peer-review Group
Social Sciences and Related Fields
Matt Lotter
Title Owner
Editorial Board of the journal
UJ Press
Seat of Publication
South Africa
Hosting Portal
UJ Press Journals
Number of Peer-reviewed Articles Per Year
5 to 6 papers, excluding non-peer-reviewed short notes, discussion pieces
Publication Frequency
Open Access
Submission Fees
Article Processing Charges (APCs)
R20 000 per article.